Anonymous Users SHALL NOT Be Enabled to Start Meetings


This setting controls which meeting participants can start a meeting. In this instance, the term “anonymous users” refers to any Teams users joining calls that are not authenticated through the company’s tenant.


  • Anonymous users SHALL NOT be enabled to start meetings in the Global (Org-wide default) meeting policy or in custom meeting policies if any exist.

Licensing Considerations

Any Teams licensing supports this configuration.

Set Up Instructions

Microsoft Resources: Control who can bypass the meeting lobby in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn

To configure settings for anonymous users:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Teams admin center.

  2. Select Meetings -> Meeting policies.

  3. Select the Global (Org-wide default) policy.

  4. Under the Participants & guests section, set Let anonymous people start a meeting to Off.

  5. If custom policies have been created, repeat these steps for each policy, selecting the appropriate policy in step 3

End-User Impact

This is only affecting external users who enter a meeting as anonymous.

PowerShell Scripts

Configure Meeting Policy Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy (SkypeForBusiness) | Microsoft Learn


None Currently

Last updated